Tow vehicle blocking drivewayBlocked Driveway towingIs a car blocking your driveway?
Is an illegally parked vehicle blocking your driveway or has one of your own vehicles broken down and is blocking your driveway or stuck in your garage? Waco towing can remove the vehicle that is blocking your driveway or garage. If the vehicle is illegally parked in the street and blocking your driveway then before we can move the vehicle you must call the police. The police will ticket the vehicle and then Waco towing can tow the vehicle away for you. When an illegally parked car blocking your driveway, before you call the police to report the a vehicle look closely at the vehicle and write down the make, model, color, and license plate number. Then call the police and give the police the location of the vehicle and the make, model, color, and license plate number. After the police ticket the vehicle, call Waco towing service and we will send a tow truck as soon as possible to removed the vehicle and unblock your driveway. If the vehicle has been ticketed by the police then you will not have to pay the charges for towing the vehicle away. Whoever owns the vehicle will be responsible for paying for the towing charges before they can get their vehicle released from the vehicle impound yard. Give us a call if you need an illegally parked vehicle that is blocking your driveway towed: Click to call: 254-875-5254 |